четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

david meek cars

Weeeee Thursday.

I donapos;t know whatapos;s happened lately, but Iapos;ve been overly content with my life. Itapos;s weird, but Iapos;m not questioning it.

I got a lot on my plate coming up:


Working until 7, then going home and relaxing with either Friday the 13th (which I didnapos;t get to watch yet) or my Halloween tape.


Working 9--4 (hooray for getting out early). Then Iapos;m going to work on Grad Stuff, do a load of wash, straighten up the apartment, and watch more scary movies.


Picking up my Zipcar at 11, driving home to spend the day with my dad. Then, I will be picking up Lauryn Hill and Sarah Lee so that we can hang out and get drunk. Iapos;m excited to see Sarah�For those of you who donapos;t know, she was in the Peace Corp and is back for a couple weeks. Apparently the Bolivian government kicked them out of the country....eeeep. So I havenapos;t seen her in over a year. I figure weapos;ll get drunk, play wii, and go to LBC. Fun.


After Lauren and Sarah leave, Iapos;ll be spending the day working on Grad School stuff.

Fast Forward to Tuesday


I will be going to California for a week�I <3 vacations�

david meek cars, david meek, david meehan, david meece we are the reason.

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